T-shirts are a stable of my wardrobe. I’ve always felt the most comfortable wearing them. For nearly two years I had a subscription to Loot Crate because they guaranteed a t-shirt in every box, and I wanted to build my collection of cool tees. So it dawned on me, what better way to advertise my site than to make t-shirts for my friends and family with The Maker Nerd logo on the back. Here enters Cricut Design Space and my Cricut machine. My mission was clear.
This video ended up being just over an hour long and I did the work live. When I first started doing live videos, I felt they needed to remain 30 mins or less. However, I soon realized that this arbitrary rule limited things for me. I want these videos to be realistic. I don’t want to figure everything out beforehand, so that I can just walk through the videos on auto pilot. That is NOT how crafting goes.
Crafting is about figuring things out. What happens when the way you planned it to work . . . doesn’t! You aren’t going to make MY Maker Nerd shirt. NO, you want to know how to take something you’ve
designed and go through my process to get the same results. Ergo, if I don’t show you the entire process, problems and solutions included, how does it benefit you? So that’s why these videos are long in my opinion. My goal is to keep them right around an hour. I end up having to do projects in parts, but I think it’s worth it. You can fast forward through the area that are of no interest to you.
So here is Part 1. I have a couple of different series going on right now. I still need to finish the Nativity Star Shadow Box, and now I need to finish this one is well. This series will only have two parts, fingers crossed, so I plan on finishing it first. Look for part 2 very soon.