Once I had unboxed the Chalk Couture product, I figured it was time to try something with it. I didn’t want to start a project that was going to take a long time, but I did want to try something I was interested in. With that thought in mind, I opted to try a newborn onesie with some Chalk Couture ink.
I had watched another crafter do an ink project on a t-shirt the night before, and she had issues with the ink bleeding under the stencil. This worried me since the weave on a regular adult t-shirt is much tighter than on a baby onesie, but I knew the worst that could happen would be a ruined baby onesie. Not like any actual babies or animals would be hurt in the process. So I decided to bite the bullet and go for it. Not only did I go for it, I went for it on a FaceBook live!!! Check out the video.
The project was definitely fun. I’m anxious to try some more Chalk Couture, but I want to build up my supply of inks and paste before I do. The worst thing you can do is go to start a project and NOT have the color you want.
In the meantime, continue to check out my FaceBook and YouTube for live videos. But if you miss them, I’ll always post them here.
If you are interested in Chalk Couture, check out gobold.chalkcouture.com. You can even join my team if you think you might like to start up your own business.